Are you interested in a cooling vest, but aren't sure what kind is right for you? Check out this guide to learn about the types of cooling vests available, and how to choose the best cooling vest for you.


To use evaporative cooling vests, you wet them in cold water, wring out any excess water and then wear it. Simple as that! This is the most basic and inexpensive type of cooling vest you can get. It keeps the wearer cool as the water evaporates, mimicking your body's natural cooling system: sweat! Once the water has dispersed, it's just a regular vest. The Hyperkewl Evaporative Sport Vest is the most basic option. The upside is that you activate the vest with just some cold water. Evaporative vests are less effective in very humid climates.



These vests are kept cool by cold packs inserted into the liner of the vest. Most phase change and ice vests weigh about 5 pounds, but we offer a lighter option that only weighs about 3 pounds. Phase change cool packs contain a sodium-based solution that freezes at a higher temperature and stays frozen longer than the water-based cool packs. You can expect to get several hours of cooling from these cold pack inserts and can swap them out as needed. These vests work great for cooling needs in muggy, humid environments.



Enjoy the best of both worlds when using a hybrid cooling vest. Sometimes it’s hard to regulate your body temperate, so having a submergible evaporative vest paired with the option of inserting frozen cold packs into the liner is the way to go for your ever-changing cooling needs throughout the season. The TechKewl Elite Hybrid Sport Vest is a great example of this.



A circulatory vest requires a cooler or backpack to pump water through the vest. It uses very thin hoses to go to and from the vest back into the cooler. This type of cooling vest is only feasible if you are standing or sitting still for long periods of time. These vests are most frequently used by motorcyclists, industrial sector, or to help people with medical conditions who have a hard time regulating their body temperatures. These are the priciest, but the best performing vests you can buy.